Our Treatments
Facial Treatments

Facial Express
Facial hydration that instantly benefits your skin.
40 min
Normal Price
US$ 29
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For Him
Activates your skin’s self-regeneration in 7 phases: facial cleansing, exfoliation, extraction of impurities, penetration of specific ingredients, mask, and final concentrate.
60 min
Normal Price
US$ 45
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Delicate Skin
Provides immediate relief and an unmatched calming effect. We use the LED mask with green light, which helps reduce hyperpigmentation and calms the skin, leaving it more uniform and relaxed.
60 min
Normal Price
US$ 49
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Vitality Cocktail
A rejuvenating treatment combining deep facial cleansing with a device, high frequency to reduce inflammation and improve circulation, and a LED mask that reduces dark spots caused by sun exposure. Perfect to revitalize and refresh your skin.
70 min
Normal Price
US$ 65
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Armonía Facial
A treatment for mature skin combining deep cleansing, high frequency for regeneration, and a red light LED mask that reduces expression lines and improves elasticity. Perfect to restore firmness and smoothness to your skin.
60 min
Normal Price
US$ 65
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Wellness Massage

Localization of energy in areas of greatest contracture. Focused on a back or leg massage. We focus on you feeling restored immediately.
30 min
Normal Price
US$ 29
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Relajación Profunda
Sedative massage for high mental and body Profunda.
60 min
Normal Price
US$ 45
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Soft, harmonious, and rhythmic massage that follows the lymphatic pathway. Perfect to improve blood circulation and fluid retention.
70 min
Normal Price
US$ 59
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Tejido Profundo
Targeted treatment for pain and tense muscles. We apply pressure techniques to release all body tension.
70 min
Normal Price
US$ 65
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Ancestral Massages

Sacred Valley Stones
Relieving treatment with hot stones for the whole body. It helps you regain immediate energy balance, relieving physical and mental tension.
70 min
Normal Price
US$ 75
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Deep Dream
Experience a state of deep and unique relaxation to connect with your "inner self". You will raise your vibration levels to regain balance, using our Tibetan quartz singing bowl.
90 min
Normal Price
US$ 65
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Liberation treatment that allows you to recover energy through four techniques, giving fluidity to recover levels of peace.
90 min
Normal Price
US$ 75
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Andean Rituals

Tired Legs
Decongestive treatment for tired legs, recommended after long walks: Maras salt and andean herb oil exfoliation (10 min), Detox massage and foot reflexology (50 min).
60 min
Normal Price
US$ 55
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Andean Beauty
Rescue your natural essence in a ritual of pure energy: Energy massage (45 min), Facial express treatment (30 min), Foot reflexology (15 min) and chakra harmonization simultaneously.
90 min
Normal Price
US$ 85
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Auka Wellness
Wellness and harmony meeting of your mind, body and soul: Ancestral massage with Sacred Valley stones (70 min), Facial harmony (60 min), Alignment of energy with Tibetan bowl (10 min).
140 min
Normal Price
US$ 95
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Sacred Therapy
Reinforce the vitality and energy of your skin in a detoxifying therapy: Body exfoliation with salt and coca leaves (20 min), Andean mud wraps (30 min), Total balance massage (80 min), Alignment of energy with Tibetan bowl (10 min).
140 min
Normal Price
US$ 95
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Couples Rituals

Sonqo Munay
Moment to rest and connect with love: Andean union ritual (10 min), Relaxing sedative massage with quinoa essence (60 min).
70 min
Normal Price
US$ 95
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Monastery Ritual
Mystical Andean connection: Exfoliation of salts and herbs (20 min), Deep tissue massage with essential oils of muña and coca (60 min), Foot reflexology (20 min), Andean cleansing (15 min).
115 min
Normal Price
US$ 150
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Sumaq Munay
The perfect meeting for two: Andean union ritual (10 min), Ancestral massage (70 min), Facial harmony (70 min).
150 min
Normal Price
US$ 165
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